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Sunday, April 13, 2014

IMP| IIMCAA Biennial Election on 5 October, 2014

Dear IIMCians,


IIMCAA Biennial Election will be held on Saturday, 5th October, 2014

The result will be declared within a week and new team will take charge at Annual General Meeting on 19th October, 2014.

Members of the association are eligible to contest & vote. 

The current team will propose a 21 member panel for next tenure. President and General Secretary, to be proposed by the current team, shall belong to the department of RTV and Ad-PR in next panel. Current President & General Secretary belong to HJ and EJ.

Any number of panel comprising members of the association may contest election against the panel proposed by current team.

Detailed procedure of biennial election will be decided in the next CC meeting.


Thanks & Regards,

Animesh Biswas

General Secretary

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