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Sunday, December 23, 2012

IMP: Neha Dave is Coordinator, Pune Sub-Chapter

Dear IIMCians,


As per the resolutions passed in the meeting of the Maharashtra Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association, Ms. Neha Dave is being appointed Coordinator for the Pune Sub-Chapter.
The Sub-Chapter will function as an extension of state chapter. President and General Secretary of Sub-Chapter would be Ex-officio Vice-President and Secretary of State Chapter.


Ms. Dave will arrange the inception meeting of the Sub-Chapter soon which will elect/ select office bearers.


All IIMCians working/ living in Pune and surrounding areas are requested to stay in touch with Neha. We will inform you the date, venue and time of the first meeting of the Sub-Chapter once Neha communicates it to us.


Neha may be reached at 94058-64386



Thanks & Regards,

Harshendra Verdhan

Organisation Secretary

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