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Sunday, November 25, 2012

IMP: Logo submission deadline to expire on 28th November

Dear IIMCians,
In continuation with our earlier mail (IIMCAA Logo Design Competition, Last Date 24 November), IIMC Alumni Associstion is extending the deadline for the submission of the LOGOs till 05.00 PM of 28th November, 2012 in the wake of requests made by several IIMCians.
We have received 9 LOGOs so far from 3 esteemed IIMCians. We are publishing all these deisgns for the consideration of IIMCians in an album. It would be updated with every new arrival till 05.00 PM of 28th November, 2012. LOGOs are open for voting in the form of LIKES.
Office Bearers of the Association will select the official LOGO for the Association in a meeting to be held on 2nd December, 2012 and announce the winner same day. Winner will be awarded Lifetime Membership of the Association and a gift.
Thanks & Regards,
Animesh Biswas
General Secretary

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