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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

MoM | Rajasthan Chapter Ratified The New Constitution of IIMCAA

Dear IIMCians,

Rajasthan Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association met at the office of Chapter President Ms. Amrita Maurya on August 28, 2017. 

Ms. Maurya presided over the meeting that was attended by Vice President Mr. Nalin Kumar, General Secretary Mr. Sachin Saini and the Executive Member Mr. Ankit Dhaka. Ms. Maurya contacted the members on phone who couldn't attend the meeting. 

Minutes of the Meeting:-
1. Rajasthan Chapter welcomes the new constitution & by-laws and ratifies the new constitution of IIMC Alumni Association.
2. Vice President Mr. Nalin Kumar and General Secretary Mr. Sachin Saini showed their enthusiasm for organizing the events and informative sessions in coming months and discussed on it.
3. Chapter President Ms. Amrita Maurya thanked all for attending the meeting.

Thanks & Regards,
Sachin Saini
General Secretary, Rajasthan  
IIMC Alumni Association

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