Dear IIMCians,
Gujarat Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association met on 21 October at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar. President Mr. Pradeep Mallik presided over the meeting that was attended by General Secretary Mr. Arvind Kumar, Treasurer Mr. Pranjal Protim Boruah and Mr. Kumar Anand.
Minutes of the meeting:-
- Gujarat Chapter to send representative to AGM every year.
- Discussed ways to expand chapter activities and its exposure in Gujarat.
- Discussed about voting rights
- Discussed about Chapter bank account to keep a transparent mechanism in place for fair handling of funds
- Annual membership fees collected.
- Online registration of members on our parent website IIMCAA
- Next meet will be in December. Venue to be decided later.
Thanks & Regards,
Arvind Kumar
General Secretary, Gujarat
IIMC Alumni Association