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Monday, August 29, 2016

Saurabh, Abhishek, Peeyush, Reva, Joy, Komal, Tanzil & Lalit | Executive Members | Suresh Vashishth Panel | IIMCAA Elections, 2016

Dear IIMCians,

Mr. Saurabh Rathore of EJ, Kottayam (2012-13), Mr. Abhishek Kumar Chanchal of HJ, Delhi (2013-14), Mr. Peeyush Jain of RTV, Delhi (2013-14), Ms. Reva Malhotra of Ad-PR, Delhi (2013-14), Mr. Joy Daniel Pradhan of EJ, Delhi (2015-16), Mr. Komal Badodekar of HJ, Delhi (2015-16), Mr. Tanzil Asif of RTV, Delhi (2015-16) and Mr. Lalit Kumar of RTV, Delhi (2015-16) are Executive Member Nominees in official panel led by Mr. Suresh Kumar Vashishth for IIMCAA Elections, 2016.

Suresh Kumar Vashishth Panel is being proposed by the incumbent Central Committee to carry forward the works undertaken. 

Thanks & Regards,
Sunila Dhar

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