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Saturday, August 30, 2014

IMP | Membership to Close on the 7th Day From When Website Goes LIVE

Dear Alumni, 

Exercising my power as the Election Commissioner for IIMCAA Elections 2014; I instruct the current team of IIMCAA to register members online for at least a week from the day the website goes live before publishing the voters list for this year CC election. 

I have been told that the website work is taking some time due to payment gateway issues and current team is working to resolve those issues and to launch the membership services online.

I put the publication of voters list, filing of nominations etc on hold for the moment. Voting shall take place on either October 5th or 12th, if required. The new team shall take over on the October 19th

The revised election schedule will be announced by the undersigned on the 7th day from when the online membership starts and the voter list will be published on the 10th day. Nomination and other related schedules to be updated once IIMCAA Website starts enrolling members.

Cheers !
Jaishri Jethwaney
Election Commissioner, IIMCAA Elections 2014

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