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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Assistants Required for Members, Press Council of India

Details are as follows:

1.Students either pursuing or completed three years course in 
journalism from recognised Institute.
2. Period of Contract 1 year extendable for six more months, or co-terminus with the term of the concerned member.
3. Stipend to the tune of Rs.11000 per month.Payment to be made by cheque into the account of the incumbent by Press Council Of India.
4. Contract, liable to be terminated any time without assigning any reason thereof.
5. His/Her Headquarter will be at place of choice of the concerned member.  He/she may be liable to travel anywhere in India with concerned member whenever required.  No T.A / DA will be paid towards this purpose by Press Council.
7. He/ she will be required to discharge the function as assigned to him/ her by the concerned member.

Interested candidates may send thier CV to

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