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Sunday, October 14, 2012

2nd Panel for the Consideration of IIMCAA AGM on 14th October

Dear IIMCians,
Its glad to hear about IIMC Alumni Association is going to be well organized itself. Hope this association would lead the all IIMCian in a better and broader direction. And this would be possible only if the leading committee represent every section socially, professionally and of course regionally.
So, I want to propose some names for panel of office bearer/ executive committee.
Vijay Pratap, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Rishi Kumar Singh , 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Rajeev Yadav, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Abhishek Kumar Yadav, 2008-09 Batch, HJ Delhi
Varun Shailesh, 2008-09 Batch, HJ Delhi
Soumya Jha, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
Naveen Kumar, 2007-08 Batch, HJ Delhi
I think these people should be consider for the proposed panel which definitely include the diversity.
Vijai Pratap

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